What to Expect From a Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading is a form of divination. They involve a seeker (client) and a reader who interprets cards in a pattern called a spread. Often, a reading will shed light on aspects of the situation that the querent may have been blind to or unable to see fully. It can also offer guidance and insight into what’s happening right now.

The Major Arcana

Tarot cards are used to answer questions about your life, past, present and future. Practitioners, known as tarot readers, use the 78-card deck to tap into your hidden thoughts and emotions and tell you the truth about specific aspects of your life. Whether you are looking to get a deeper understanding of your relationships, work or spirituality, the major arcana cards will provide the insight you need.

These 21 numbered cards, including the Fool, form the Major Arcana of the tarot and represent life lessons, karmic influences and important archetypal themes. The Major Arcana cards are the key to the tarot’s mystery, and they can provide you with deep and profound insights into your life.

If the Major Arcana make up the majority of your reading it is a sign that you are currently experiencing some important life-changing events that will have long-term effects on your life. These events may be good or bad, and if you want to grow further in your spiritual and emotional search, you will need to pay close attention to several very crucial lessons. If the Major Arcana cards in your reading are reversed, this is a sign that you have not yet fully mastered these important lessons and must do so before moving forward.

When the Judgement card appears in a reading, it is a sign that you are being called to examine your past decisions and actions, to see if they are in line with where you ultimately want to go in life. This can be a scary card to draw, but it is also an empowering one as it demonstrates that nothing in your life is set in stone and you always have the power to change your path.

The Wheel of Fortune is a constant reminder that everything in your life is revolving. You are currently moving through a cycle that will come full circle in the future, but the key is to cherish every moment and learn the lessons of each turn along the way. Justice is a firm-but-fair reminder that there are natural consequences for every action you and others have taken in the past.

The Minor Arcana

The minor arcana cards relate to the daily trials and tribulations that we face. These cards can help us gain insight into how a certain issue is impacting our lives and provide guidance for how we might resolve it. The minor cards typically have a less significant influence than the major cards, but they still carry a lot of power.

The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits: Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups. Each of these suits represents an astrological element and, like the Major Arcana, have their own specific meanings and interpretations. The suit of Wands, for example, represents action and the innate energy that drives us towards success. Wands can also represent the potential of change and transformation. The Suit of Cups, on the other hand, represents emotions and intuition. These cards can show how we are feeling and what we are thinking, as well as offering insight into the relationships we have with others.

These cards can also represent our hopes and dreams, as well as highlighting any challenges we may be facing. For instance, if we draw the Seven of Swords, it might suggest that we are feeling lost and confused about where to go with our life. Alternatively, a reading with the Nine of Cups could indicate that we are letting our emotions get the best of us and that we are wasting our time on people who do not have our best interests at heart.

Is it normal for a tarot reading to result in all minor cards? This can sometimes happen, especially when using a smaller spread. However, it can also be a sign that there is nothing major going on in your life at the moment. It can also be a sign that you need to take some time to reflect on your personal journey and what lessons have been learned along the way.

If you’re just starting out with the tarot, there are many great resources to assist you in learning the cards and how to read them. One of the most popular books is The Tarot Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the Cards and Their Symbolism by Sarah Bartlett. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the history, symbolism and interpretation of each card in a tarot deck. Another excellent resource is The Secret Language of Tarot by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone. This book provides an in-depth look at the symbols and meanings of each suit of the tarot, as well as how to properly conduct a tarot reading.


There are many different spreads, and the one you choose depends on your question and intention. A simple three-card spread can give you a good snapshot of your situation and answer your question, while a more complex layout may provide more in-depth insight into the past, present, and future, as well as surrounding influences and outcome.

The Celtic Cross is another popular spread that offers a more detailed look at several aspects of your question, as does the Pentagram. The Wheel of Fortune is also a great choice for gaining insight into your potential future.

Once you’ve determined your spread, shuffle and cut the cards while thinking about your question. Try to get as comfortable as possible and create a peaceful environment for your readings. When the deck is ready, take a moment to meditate and clear your mind of any distractions. Once you’re ready to begin, draw your first card from the deck. Then, read the cards based on their meaning and symbolism. If you’re unsure about what to read, consult a Tarot guidebook or online resource for more information.

After you’ve interpreted the first two cards, pull another from the deck and set it underneath them. This card can offer advice for how to move forward and fulfill your situation’s potential, such as recognizing what’s holding you back from happiness or releasing toxic thought patterns. Finally, a third card can be pulled and placed above the previous two cards to show you the outcome of your situation, which could be positive or negative.

If you’re looking for a more general reading, the Comic Strip Spread is an easy-to-read method that uses nine cards to create a timeline that looks like a storyboard. This reading is especially helpful for gaining a better understanding of the natural flow of time in your life and how to align it with biorhythms.

Remember that the Tarot is not meant to be used to predict the future, but rather to provide guidance and insight into your situation. Be open-minded to the messages that come through, even if they’re not what you want or expect to hear. Also, be kind to yourself and others as you conduct Tarot readings, and never use the cards to manipulate someone else’s destiny or make them do anything they don’t want to do.


As with any skill, reading tarot cards requires practice. Practicing with friends or family members is an excellent way to build confidence and learn how to connect on an intuitive level. This will help you avoid relying solely on book or online meanings to interpret the cards. Additionally, practicing with a variety of spreads can offer new perspectives and insights into a question or situation.

One of the best ways to practice your tarot reading is by taking a daily card from the deck, and using it as guidance throughout your day. You can also do this as a check-in exercise, and as a way to keep your mind tuned into the cards.

Another way to practice is by taking a look at a shuffled deck and asking spirit guides or a higher power for a card that describes a person or situation. Then, relate this card to the questions and issues you are facing in your life. This is a great way to practice intuition while learning to read cards, and it can be helpful to say the card out loud or write it down.

If you are a beginner, I would recommend starting with the Rider Waite Smith (RWS) deck, as it is the most widely used and has traditional tarot card meanings that are easy to understand. Alternatively, you can use any deck that resonates with you.

As you work with your deck, spend time connecting with each card individually, and studying its upright and reversed meanings. It’s important to understand reversals as they can often be more significant than the upright meaning, and they can also point to something that is missing.

Once you have a good understanding of the major and minor arcana, and how the cards work together, try to do a reading for yourself on a regular basis. The answer to any reading will vary from reader to reader, but the most important thing is that you find an answer that speaks to you. If you’re struggling with a specific issue or question, try asking the cards about it again in the future, or ask the card what it means to you personally at this moment in your life.